Homa Pump Company

Homa Pump Company are experts in the design and production of submersible pumps and systems for various applications. Recognized for their extensive range of submersible pumps. These pumps are designed to operate underwater, making them suitable for applications such as wastewater handling, sewage treatment, drainage, and various industrial processes. 

Homa produces pumps specifically designed for handling wastewater and sewage. These pumps are engineered to transport and lift liquids containing solids effectively, making them ideal for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants.

Homa may offer grinder pumps that are designed to macerate and pump sewage solids. Grinder pumps are commonly used in residential and commercial applications where the sewage needs to be pumped to a higher elevation or over a long distance. 

Homa pumps play a critical role in various applications, and reliability is essential for continuous and trouble-free operation.